Mission statement
Go and share Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20, Act 1:8)
Share the Gospel message of Jesus in the church, in the community, in the county, state, nation and internationally. Equip believers to strengthen their faith and to share their testimony with others, making disciples.
Equip believers (Know Jesus)
Improve spiritual growth individually; learn spiritual gifts God has given us; Provide resources to aid growth; Encourage to participate in seminars and retreats; Participate in an accountability program
Encourage outreach (Go and Share Jesus)
Support the community through outreach projects – ACTC and Hampden Elementary School; Support CRBC outreach ministries; Participate in missions locally and internationally
Our primary focus is to bring glory and honor to God through every activity and endeavor in which our church engages. We envision a church that is driven by the desire to see lives transformed into the likeness of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our church shall always be committed to:
Ÿ Prayer.
Prayer must undergird everything that we do as we seek the Lord's direction and power.
Ÿ Worship.
Worship shall be Christ-centered and Biblically based. Worshipers need to experience an awareness of God and respond in obedience to His leadership.
Ÿ Evangelism.
Our members shall be encouraged and trained to regularly share the gospel with the lost so that individuals might be led to a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.
Ÿ Missions.
“Missions” seeks to educate and personally involve church members in a global strategy for reaching the world through the missionary efforts of our denomination and our church.
Ÿ Discipleship.
Discipleship nurtures people of all ages in Biblical knowledge and application, Christian doctrine, prayer, stewardship, and Christ-like practice.
Ÿ Ministry.
Ministry seeks to discover, develop and use the spiritual gifts and talents of all members for unselfish, Christian service, both inside and outside the church body.
Ÿ Fellowship.
Fellowship fosters caring relationships, providing spiritual, physical, and emotional support for members and prospective members alike.
Our view of the Bible:
Chestnut Ridge Baptist Church accepts the Bible as its final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We also accept “The Baptist Faith and Message 2000” as adopted by the Great Commission Baptists as a consensus statement of our doctrinal beliefs.